
Sunday, August 30, 2020


The world is full of mysteries, we are in order to understand. We the humans have discovered lots of but still not aware of lot more. Years ago we were not much in population not as the needs and the sources were required in limited amount, there was another reason of the unawareness about the things. But they had a natural way of living, they did not go through a irreversible methods of using things. Well, things have changed people are now much more aware of the science behind the things and have better knowledge than before to use all the sources available them. Now the people became 'so called' more civilized or we can say careless about the nature. We know that more population means requirement of more sources of living.
All the sources of the earth is almost now discovered by the humans and they exploited them to the extent of its end either it is coal or petroleum, even though we are facing water problems. We all know that all these sources can not be reestablished and have to work on the system that may run with nature. 

Progress is good in each field but we must calculate the price for the development and others. If we destroy the nature for are domestic needs, everything that we have change in the echo system will affect us too as we also part of it, either it is air pollution or water. In order to make some peice of paper we must not forget the issue of are own existence. 

Nature adjust the way of its function with each of the change done by us.



"Everything that people can see around it is a part of environment"

Each and every thing is the part of environment and has a different role in the environment. Our environment is a carbon based system (Organic).

Earth is the place at which the life exist. The earth is covered by a layer of gases which is mostly Nitrogen and Oxygen the other gases like Carbon dioxide and others are in just a few amount. The earth surface is mostly covered by the oceans and the rest of the part is land on which the modern Civilization is spread out. The earth is a rotating heavenly body which is inclined twenty three and a half  degree. It has a moon because of which the high tide low tide comes in the oceans.The oceans have two types of life first is the life which is dependent on the sun light and the other is dependent on the energy which is produced by the condensed core which is very hot and in which the molten form of materials exists. The plants in the oceans having access to sun light makes food and gives oxygen using the minerals and water dissolved carbon dioxide which is a result of the break of calcium carbonate. The oxygen made by the plants underwater makes the life possible as we see in the present day either underwater or in lands. The food chain in the earth starts from the plants and algae which makes food from sun light which is the main source of our system. Plants are eaten by small living being in the water and in the lands this work is done by vegetarian animals. These living beings are eaten by bigger living beings and then after the death of the giant this is eaten by small beings which releases the unwanted material and that unwanted material is converted into beneficiary material for plant by micro organism. This is a cycle of living. In the tropical heat or cold the function of the system is unaffected by situation but adjusted by the creature.

About us

I am student in the field of civil engineering. This is the field in which lots of concerns are located. but i think this is also a way through which change be done in the world each and every field has it advantage and disadvantages. it is all on us to control it, to use it for the betterment of the earth environment.


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